Increased Customer Satisfaction Rate of WashPay

UX Case Study

Project Overview

About WashPay

WashPay is a mobile payment application for laundry. It helps the users pay for their laundry with the help of a mobile app instead of using coins or cards.

My Role

UX Research | UI Design


4 weeks



Business Problem

WashPay was not engaging enough thus leading to increased negative feedback and poor ratings on the mobile payment application that negatively impacted the ROI.


Research and understand user’s pain points that prevent them from performing their tasks seamlessly and revamp the existing design with a focus on increasing the customer satisfaction rate by 50%.

Quick glimpse of my design process

User Research

Secondary Research (Play Store Reviews)

I wanted to understand the user's perspective of the application including their pain points. Hence, I started analysing the reviews from Google and App Store to gather insights.

From the reviews I understood most users faced difficulties to complete a workflow that resulted in poor ratings to the application.

I collected poorly rated reviews from Play and App Store and identified all the possible issues reported.

Note: Reviews were collected since the last update of the app (Last update: November 04, 2022)

Primary Research (User Research Survey)

To verify if the user reported issues were real, I conducted a survey using Google Forms with the actual users of the WasPay app.

Surveyed 15 participants and found the following :


Usability Testing

Once the user survey was done, the existing application was tested with 5 participants. Usability testing was conducted to understand the impact of each issue identified during the survey and also to know whether these issues were actual issues to the users or not.

Participants were given 3 scenarios and 3 tasks under each scenario to understand users’ opinions and feedback on the website.

Usability Test Insights

User Journey Mapping

5 participants' behaviors were analysed while performing the task of starting a machine from start till end. Their behaviors and emotions were tracked to understand their pain points as they perform the actual task.

Issues that had severe impact in users:

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis was done to identify what distinguishable features are being provided. Identifying these distinguishable feature and implementing them into the WashPay app will help in increasing the retention rate.

Criteria to choose competitors

- Number of downloads (To know the popularity of the app) (With the help of PENDO tool)
- App Store & Play Store Ratings (To know the performance of the app)

Major Competitors

Number of Downloads: 13,456
Play Store Ratings: 4.4 stars
App Store Ratings: 4.7 stars
Number of Downloads: 9,224
Play Store Ratings: 4.3 stars
App Store Ratings: 4.7 stars


Real-time status of the machine
Availability of machines
“Scan to Pay” payment option
Notification on completion of machine
Transaction history
Simple problem reporting process
Points and rewards


Persona (Target Audience)

With the insights from the survey, personas were created. Personas were classified into 2 categories based on the frequency of doing laundry. This is because users doing laundry weekly once had different pain points compared to those who do laundry bi-weekly.

Note: Personas were classified into 2 categories based on the frequency of doing laundry.

Frequent LAUNDRY User

Occasional LAUNDRY User

Classification of Issues


User Flow

Sketches (Possible Solutions)


High Fidelity Design

Solution #1 - Differentiate Washers and Dryers

Solution #2 - Custom "Add to funds" section

Solution #3 - Available machines

Design iteration based on user feedback

Once the initial high fidelity designs were created, it was once again tested with 5 participants. Participants were given 3 scenarios and 3 tasks under each scenario which were the same as the previous usability test.

User behaviours and feedback were collected. With the help of feedback collected, necessary design iterations were made to make the product desirable and user-friendly for the users.


Users felt difficulty to identify the available machines while being at home which was a serious issue that made users get frustrated easily. This was a major cause of poor retention rate.

Quick QR code scan to start a machine, providing option for adding custom funds to wallet and letting users know the available machines while being at home helped users in completing the laundry process easily and eventually helped to improve the retention rate of the application.

What did I learn?

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